Monday, August 27, 2012

Matching outfits, but not matching panty lines: DAY 3

Sunday started with a bed frame falling on top of He was fine. Moving on. 
We took a little ride into the hills to visit Wonderland Avenue. A very important part of that favorite book written by my favorite author. It was so narrow I literally think only one car can be on it at a time. And so steep that backing out into one lane traffic would be frightening. But magical all the same.

On our way down from Wonderland we saw a hired car and driver awaiting someone in a driveway. We, of course, yelled, "Who you waitin' for?!? IS IT MATTHEW PERRY!??!" To each other, that is. We can't get too risky with our buddy Matthew Perry.
We climbed (in the car) further up and got some great views. After passing some bicyclists, we pulled over to take in the view at a lookout area.
 As we headed back to the car, we saw the bicyclists again. Now, this road is windy. Which means corners, which means crashing cars if the damn bike is in the way. So why then, I must ask, is it necessary to have your dog sit in the little trailer thing you have behind your bike. What is this new obsession with the dog walking the person. Or at least exercising them. I mean...your dog is in a trailer that a child could really enjoy. So we had to pass them again. On a corner. On top of a cliff.
 Just another mansion...that is all one house, don't be fooled by the trees.
 As we came down out of the hills we kept yelling, "EZMA! PUT YOUR HANDS IN THE AIR!" From The Emperor's New Groove. A childhood fave (and still a fave).
 We headed down to the beach for lunch at The Terrace. As we walked, SLOWLY, we realized that there was this man on some sort of motorized standup scooter. He was going SO. SLOW. And holding up the entire sidewalk. OH. And his kid was wearing a helmet (Just like daddy), and WALKING alongside him. Like, what? Sir, your child is walking and you are CRUISING on your tri-wheel?
 The best calamari in my life...
 Peach Martiniii
 The venice canals
 I really liked this bridge, it went over a busy street. I believe it was called Ocean or something, who knows! (that is a joke for those of you who are idiots)

Ah, the open ocean. So gorgeous. There is nothing like lying on a beach and relaxing. Especially a beach on the ocean where you can hear the waves so well. was enjoying a good sun bath. Or...perhaps a sand bath. There was sand CAKED into the hair on his legs. I was laughing to myself so thought I'd photograph.

 The view from the pier

 We stopped at the end of the pier for a drink. Of course, since our lives depend upon it, apparently, they brought us chips. I was not ready for a chip buffet. But we had two bowls. We walked away before we ate the entire second bowl, but it was hard for alexia.
 round two of the chip buffet
 On to Diddy Riese. Best cookies. Best ice cream. Best combo options. Best price. All around winner. This is chocolate candy cookie and chocolate chip cookie with mint chocolate chip ice cream. I know, so adventurous. I call it, CHIPPY CHIPPY CHOCOCHUNK.
 These hills were great for texture and light

 Warner Bros. Studio Tower
 As a farewell to the city, we went up to Griffith Observatory. It was packed, but alexia managed to find a baller parking spot and we snapped a few pics. On the drive up, was saying he likes to take the ladies up there for dates. I queried, "Get some hands on some teets?" He responded, "A little honka honka." What? Is that not normal?

On the way out this car was in front of us going SO. SLOW. So I told alexia the story of when j.lou visited me in milwaukee and drove about 15 mph everywhere until I yelled at her. So we called this car Jennifer. The whole time.
As we drove to the airport, we discussed this roving cloud of smoke we had been smelling the whole weekend (and that alexia smells daily). It is, in fact, a roving cloud of smoke of the marijuana type. So every once in a while we'd smell it, and make sure to announce, "Oh there's that cloud again." Also on the way, Alexia said, "We're gonna take a WHOLE MESS A HIGHWAYS TO GET TO THE AIR---NO WE'RE NOT!" He had looked over and saw traffic on the nearest highway (to which we were going to turn) moving at approximately 3.7 miles per hour. I don't know why we didn't take that way. QUICK. 
 After hubbub at the airport (including a young girl spanking her dad as they discussed with the gate attendant some sort of ticket issue), I finally got to Cincinnati (the airport where no one was...ever), where the woman who had been sitting in front of me got into a fight with a man. A screaming-on-her-part fight. He was  mostly saying um, lady you cray. She yelled things like, "I GOT SHOVED INTO THE AISLE!" and, "DO NOT TELL ME THAT IT DIDN'T HAPPEN!"
I didn't think I would be hungry but I was. So I stopped at this Bagel Shop and got a breakfast bagel. So delicious. Only regret: not getting the cheddar jalopeno bagel.
 These two young men, one of which I mistook for Aaron Paul for about three nanoseconds, took a little nap. Their example led to me passing right out with my head on my suitcase on the floor and waking up to board. I noticed everyone else had plane-side baggage claim tickets. So I asked the check in lady and she said, "Yep you need one, I just didn't want to wake you before." That is a nice way to say, "You were drooling so much I wanted to throw up," "You were flailing," "You look like shit so I thought you might need sleep," etc. Before I had fallen asleep I saw a lady covered up and spreading herself out over about 7 chairs sleeping. When I exited the plane in Milwaukee I saw her again. I also saw that she had tons of holes in her pants that she had patched. Upon closer examination I realized they were patched with pieces of Louis Vuitton material. I think she got carried away with what she thought was a good idea, because there were even patches like, right below her butt. And they were all oval shaped. That doesn't happen. Not in real life.
 And, despite a late departure, we arrived in Milwaukee at the original quoted time. Which led to a complete disruption of the.tamer's plan to come pick me up (and her morning in general). It was literally the day Sarah is lucky when she doesn't need to be. Plane in early. FIRST bag that comes up the ramp from plane-side baggage. Shortest walk in my life to the baggage area, etc, etc. This will never happen again, due to my luck.
On to the drive from Milwaukee to Florence. Yes, that is correct. My trip was not over when I got off the plane. It continued. For another four hours. A portion of the drive was spent behind this roadkill trailer. The.tamer did not appreciate.
 The clouds today looked like the clouds from the wall paper in Andy's room in toy story.
 Since I was mystery hungry, I got a mcdouble.They placed the mustard strategically.
On the way back we were discussing how bikers all wave to each other as they pass one another on the road. Then I informed the.tamer that we too, were in a club. It is a car club. So we can wave at anyone with a car. Not an SUV, not a truck, only cars similar to ours. And when we pass someone with a taurus, we HAVE to wave with both hands. It's a double hand taurus wave. We got really carried away really fast. We waved at all cars for about an hour. And we laughed each time. Then I would yell at the.tamer if she had her hands visible to vehicles other than cars. I would also SIT on my hands to ensure no one thought I was waving at them. At one point the.tamer ALMOST waved to the wrong vehicle, so I yelled, "I KNOW IT'S FUN TO FEEL LIKE YOU'RE PART OF A CLUB, BUT YOU CAN'T JUST WAVE TO EVERYONE!" 
Some comments made in regards to other cars: 
"She wasn't even looking, that bitch."
"It's a purple taurus." "It's more lavender." "Oh LAVENDER TAURUS. I mean..LAVENTAURUS."

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