Monday, August 27, 2012

Burritos and Matthew Perry: DAY 2

First, we hit up the tar pits. The paleontologist in me really was excited over this. 
 There it is, a muddy, bubbly, asphalt floaty conglomeration of glory.
 This poor mastadon fell into the tar pits and couldn't get out. It's a touching photo, really. The baby looks on as daddy (mommy?) struggles in the tar.
The entrance to the museum was cool, as it had this little banner of carvings along the top of the building.
 This, my friends, is a giant sloth. This thing was really awesome. More evidence to come.
 Some nice claws on that sloth. I can't even imagine how huge it was and how slow it would have to have been. Also, how many trees did this thing take out??!
 A few photos in this post wouldn't rotate correctly. So deal with it. This sign was one of my all time faves, since it said simply, "Please touch."
 The teeth of a wooly mammoth.
 AHHH an extinct line of camel!
 the inside of the mouth of the mammoth.
 Short faced bear. These puppies were BIG. (BOY, these guys are good!)
This was a surprisingly specific moving model of a saber attacking that cute giant sloth we saw earlier. The muscles in the face of this sloth model were moving. Nutty.
There was a little atrium in the center of the museum area with some turtles and some fish. It was pretty cute. These two were playing.

This construction cone had been set up over an area where the tar was bubbling over. It bubbled itself up and out of the top of the cone. Pretty sweet!

 After the tar pits we walked through this area of the LACMA (Los Angeles County Museum of Art) and stopped for a drink at the little cafe there. The chairs were straight up made for movie villains. you know, the scene where the chair spins around and the villian is in it. So we did a little shoot.
 We did this one a couple times to get an ideal shot.
I wasn't quite as creative, seeing as my chair REFUSED to face alexia. It would spin to the side and I'd be facing the courtyard. This is an action shot.

We each got a beer and started sipping. Alexia went to the bathroom and when he came back the beer had arrived...
And there was also a plate of chips. We were almost done with it and they plopped another plate down. We were so taken aback that we somewhat stuttered, and the waiter just kind of laughed at us. Alexia declared that we were not finishing the plate. I said ok, and we eventually left...after eating a few more chips.
 Then we hit up this art installation of lightpoles. SOO much opportunity for photos here.

 I insisted it was necessary I be in this photo.
 FOOD TRUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!
 More awesome art.

 TACO HUT! Alexia pointed this out to me and suggested I take a photo. It is, in fact, a Taco Bell and a Pizza Hut in the same building. Duh. Taco Hut. I attempted, but instead got half of the sign (the taco half) and his mouth. I liked it though, so I kept it.
 These ads are slightly terrifying. And I quote alexia, "...parachuting into my life."
 AND NOW!! The burrito glory. This cafe was featured on man vs. food for its 5 pound burrito. Naturally, since Adam Richman and I are destined for eternal food contest glory, we had to go.

 We walked up to find a nice line. This means it is worth the wait.
 I turned around to find this stark pose happening.
As I said, FEATURE!
This is just to show that we didn't eat the hugest thing on the menu. We ate the second hugest. The hugest is a 1 foot long burrito that serves 6-8 people and is served in an aluminum pan. INTENSE.
 AND HERE IT IS! THE MANUEL SPECIAL! 5 pounds of absolute glory.
The fear was not so imminent in real life. We were SO confident it was ridiculous. We totally thought we could knock it out. Initially it was delivered to just alexia (I was in the bathroom), and they said, "Ok, you only have an hour!" He immediately rushed to assure them that I would be back and he wouldn't be doing it on his own.
I look better with five pounds of burrito in my paws.
 Round one! We wanted to make sure that we documented us, "dominating," this burrito.
 They literally give you a pie server to scoop it up and put it on your plate.
 After round 1:
 After round 2:
 And that is where it ended. Then, when they brought the check, they gave us some effing candy. As if we didn't eat enough.
 The ride back (to lie down, because we were so worn out from just EATING) consisted of some of these sayings:

"That just spanked me"

"We were in there for like 15 minutes!" (so true, it came out so quick and we were dominating until we hit that SOLID brick wall. Then it was over. And it was over quick)

"I'm not kidding I have like, a headache"

"I feel drunk"

"I'm literally spinning, like I got the spins from that food"

Me: "Can you see through the food in your eyes?"
Alexia: "WHAT?! I'm just driving by feel right now."

"I can't believe how much that burrito owned us"

"We got our asses kicked by that burrito."

Convo while going through a dark tunnel:
Me: "Oh my god don't fall asleep!"
Alexia: "haha, crash, boom! Where's the burrito!?"
Me: "Oh my god the guy in the other car stole our burrito!"
Alexia: "What HORSE SHIT! We got in an accident and someone stole our Manuel Special!"

"The rest of the day is going to be dedicated tow ho is trying to steal our burrito...we gotta leave this Jim Morrison show, we gotta go check on the burrito."

Then, as we discussed how impossible round 3 became, Alexia said:
"I think you put it best when you said, 'I don't think we want to let this ruin our day,' Because that is legitimately what it could have done." Such magic.

Onward to the GETTY! A beautiful ride on a trolly up the side of a nice cliff took us to the GETTY. The gardens were pretty fantastic, as were the exhibits we viewed. There was an exhibition of Herb Ritts Photography, in addition to some other really sweet stuff, that we took in while we sailed through.

We boarded the little train trolley dealie and I was gazing out the window. All the sudden I saw this lady. This lady with four hats on. Yes. Four hats. On her head. I started yelling quite loud for alexia to look. He, in turn, yelled at me to get the camera. The fruits of our labor: this slightly obscured photo of a lady with four hats upon her head. I know it's not up close. But take my word for it. She had four hats on her one head.
After the museum exploration, we headed to the Whisky A Go-Go for the beginning of our evening. The band that night was called Wild Child. They are a fantastic cover band. What do they cover? Why The Doors of course! The Doors used to play at the Whisky when they first got their start, and then Jim Morrison hung out there a lot later on. As did my favorite author of my favorite book of all time, Danny Sugarman. I was beyond excited to go, and when the show ended up being really great, I was even more excited.

As we were getting ready to leave, alexia received a text from one of his roommates. They were out at alexia's favorite bar, The Pikey. And there was someone else there, too. Matthew Perry. That's right. effing Chandler Bing was at this bar that we were headed to. So we jammed out to some Katy Perry as we rolled down the sunset strip to The Pikey, and Matthew Perry. Alexia's roommates and some friends were waiting for us. They were...cozy.
 Alexia went and got a look at Matthew Perry. He had been warned that Matthew Perry's hair looked perfect. When he came back he confirmed that the hair did indeed look divine and of the salon nature. Shortly after I announced I'd need to go get a look, Matthew Perry strolled towards the door. They warned me just soon enough, so I got a good look at the perfectly coiffed hair, and the stylish yet casual outfit he had donned for the evening. Someone said he was probably going out to smoke, and that someone should follow him and ask to bum a smoke. I was, of course, throwing myself into the situation, but didn't actually get up to go out there. When we left he wasn't outside, so I could not accost him, pretend to not know who he was, and then get upset with him for not knowing who I was. Next time. I'm onto you Matthew Perry. This encounter led to me asking alexia questions all weekend like, "What time is Matthew Perry meeting us at the pier?" Alexia humored me in the beginning, saying things like, "I texted him, but he hasn't gotten back to me yet." But after a while he just kind of let me entertain myself with that one.
While we were sitting at the bar that night, a lady leaned over to alexia and said into his ear, "I'm not trying to get fresh, I'm just hanging my purse." We about died it was so funny, and then later I had her convinced that he wanted to fight her, but then I told her I was indeed lying.

We ended up being quite drunk when we left the bar. We then went to the 7-Eleven to get more mixers and some chips. God knows we need chips. So we ate the chips on the walk back. And upon arrival back to the home del alexia, we split the remainder of the Manuel Special down the middle and heated it to perfection. We then ate over one pound of burrito each, and had a drink. By the time we had finished, we were quite tired. So we watched the remainder of Jay & Silent Bob Strike Back in peace, with intermittent laughter, and then put in the pilot of The League. promptly fell asleep. He was in a constant nod. Like I'm surprised he didn't get motion sickness. I video taped it, obviously.

End to an absolutely amazing evening.  In the morning we realized we had about 4 liters of diet coke too many. Oh well.

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