Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Look at you, you're like a mapquest with hair

I had another laser hair removal appointment on Monday. This requires me to head out to the location of my clinic, which is Eden Prairie. You may think that it is unnecessary for me to drive all the way there just for that appointment. However, I dislike having a furry face, so sacrifices we must make! 
After my appointment, I met j.lou at Savers. I ended up only getting a VHS copy of cinderella, but I did find a few...other gems. This pig had a top hat on, that's what's covering my chin in this photo.
 When we went back to her home, we began making dinner. She had told me that we were having sweet corn and brats, and that the sweet corn would be my favorite part. As we prepared it, I wasn't sure why, seeing as there was no buffalo sauce on it, which is what I assumed she was going to do. I mean if something is my favorite part, it is going to have buffalo sauce on it, right?
We did an excellent job making the corn look adorable, tying the tops cutely with extra husks. 

 It really looks so profesh, I'm sure. That tin foil conglomeration is some sauerkraut. I ate some, j.lou ate most.
If you thought we didn't have something spicy, you were wrong. Delectable California Hot Mix. 
 It made the brats look quite lovely, like art.
 As I picked up my sweet corn, I said, "Now how do I get these husks off? Oh nevermind, I'll just use it as a handle, like this!" j.lou had chosen that moment to run inside muttering about corn holders, and when she came back out I had my corn in my mouth and she said, "Oh, Sarah, Sarah SARAH! This isn't going to work that just isn't the way. If ONLY we had some CORN HOLDERS, *pulls a package out from behind her back* OH WAIT! WE DO!!!"
Introducing: UNI-CORN. The world's greatest corn holders.
 They look so prestigious. As if I didn't love corn enough. Now I will find ANY excuse to eat it.
 Later, while we were lying in bed looking for headboards for j.lou on our phones (yes, this really happens), I showed her this cute little banner. She read it, "All you need is love..."  I responded with, "Um...did you just entirely rearrange that to suit your own needs?" She had, in fact, read it out of order. It says "Love is all you need." Obviously both are lines in the song, but the fact remains, her brain decided to do what it wanted.
 The next morning we got up at 5:00am, and hit the road by 6:00am. Both Monday and Tuesday my travels started off like this:
 I did stop to take a nap, because sleeping and driving do not mix.

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