Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Ears, boobs, and spuds

I had my final day at Kohl's. I left the office and headed to vacation immediately. Which, in turn, meant I was immediately in traffic. Eventually, after sitting in a huge traffic jam forEVER for NO REASON, we made it home.
 The next morning we left immediately for camp. The instant we hit the water in the boat I felt the tension in my neck easing. Camp is literally my paradise.
 The view is always familiar and lovely.
 My nephews arrived the next day, and Maxwell immediately insisted that the.tamer put his water shoes on him.
 He then played with his ginormous water gun and posed for photos. I call this, "Popeye."
 Later in the day my sisters and I were on the deck and the.tamer burst into laughter. My mother was all alone with a bug net searching for bugs. Such a lonesome warrior.
 The.tamer built the boys a fort. This is what Maxwell did in his fort most of the time:
 Then we were burying Liam in the sand, and he kept wiggling his toes so I couldn't completely cover them.
 They loved their fort. And the next day they tore it down. I'm told that is what boys do. I'll never get used to it. I pretty much cried every time I had to tear down my Barbie houses, I can't handle destroying all things.
 The children enjoyed the booze tube for a while.
 Then Maxwell put on saster's headband and sunglasses. He wore them for a while.

 Dedicated fly hunters they were! However, they insisted on touching the part of the swatter that is most likely covered in disgusting things and fly guts. Then the first time I took the photo Liam pretty much plastered his to his face. Yum.
 The sunsets are always lovely at camp. I just need a good camera to take the photos with!
 My mom has these robes that she puts on the boys when they get cold at the beach. It's hilarious. I kept calling Maxwell "Rose" from Titanic because he kept running into the water and getting the bottom of the robe wet just like Rose gets her dress wet in Titanic.

 Rose loves Spinjitzu weapons.
 The photo doesn't do it justice, but when my dad jumped into the water and came out, the sunscreen on his face suddenly showed up, and he had a white film all over his face. It was hilarious.
 The children had a prize box that they picked from each day. One day they did an experiment with grow capsules. Something I still loved doing when I was....16. Such a normal life I lead.
 He had the fly swatter down the back of his shirt like a weapon, but I missed it. Instead I got him winding up for a kill shot.
 KEBOBS! Mine are the ones without mushrooms and bell peppers (heartburn!)
 It was a little overcast some days...
 One of the prizes the boys got was a dinosaur hat.
 They came running into camp wearing the hats and growling. Adorable.
 My grandparents bought a new tent. It is larger than that vehicle that's parked in front of it. The label reads, "Olympic Cottage." It is quite Olympic. And that then prompted me to refer to multiple things throughout the week as Olympic in some nature.
 We made a little surprise for my Aunt Kathy's arrival. Her very own sleeping quarters. (If you are not aware, that is our outhouse)
 We dipped the toilet paper in mud and draped it over the grossest rugs we could find in the camp.
 We kept asking her permission to, "use her room," when we had to poop.
 One of my absolute favorite things to do is visit the eagle's nest. It's been there as long as I can remember. This year there were two young ones outside the nest most times we visited. In this photo you can see only one.
 We threw out a small perch for the mature eagle. She swooped down and snatched it out of the water and enjoyed it in a nearby tree.
 Then she flew off to find more food.

 Another favorite camp thing: corn. I love corn, and it is a mainstay for at the very least one meal each year.
 I guess we're listing favorites, because I love fires as well. Fires in general, yay, but fires at camp, YAY! We also had a beach fire one night, which is even more YAY.
More beautiful views...
 Then comes the corn husking...we decided we needed to create a corn husk doll for setty.bear.
 This photo is upside down, but I'm too lazy to fix it. It shows our supplies.
 Some in-progress shots...
 Digging for some good looking husks...
 constructing the head of mrs. setty
 Posing with the beauty that is mrs. setty...

 She is delightfully disgusting.
 And the woeful ride out. As you can see, it's mildly remote.

 Favorite part of the drive in: the tree tunnel. You can't see it well in the photo, but the entire road has leaf cover. It's so beautiful.
There is a Bigfoot Crossing sign on the road to camp. Don't deny it, they're up there!
 Me doing my own rendition, I can never get the arm swing right.

1 comment:

  1. WOW, this is definitely an Olympic length update! Great pics :)
