Friday, August 17, 2012


Abner and I decided to take a little jaunt to the beach today. With August comes fall weather, so I definitely wanted to maximize my time spent at the beach while it's still warm-ish. To prep, I made myself a delectable sanquich, and when abner arrived she prepped her own. We also brought some carrots, some delectable dip, some popcorn chips, and some string cheese. This sammy was a beauty.
Although windy, it was quite tiddly (that means nice today). The sun was warm and we eventually had enough boob sweat collected between the two of us to warrant getting in the water. It was quite chilly, as a little girl warned us when we announced to each other (and apparently the entire beach) that we should get in the water.
Later on I threw a flower amber had given me into the water. Small fish that were lurking in the shallows attacked it (like some sharks I've seen on shark week). So, obviously, I needed to throw about sixteen other things in the water. They lost interest pretty quick. Must not be into the veggie scene.
We definitely didn't see any squatches this time around, nor did we hear any banging crickets, but it was still a good time. We made friends with a man with calves larger than mine (yeah, that IS huge) and those children I mentioned earlier. Their mother, however, was not my fave. I ignored her. 
While we swam I entertained myself by picking up rocks with my feet and making abner pluck them from my toes or catch them as I dropped them (usually not into her hand). Ah, twas a lovely day.

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