Tuesday, August 14, 2012

It's Chicago with a LITTLE BIT A WINDY CITY!

Okay, I'm well aware that this blog hasn't been updated for, oh let's say...forever. Okay, no, it's been like two weeks. Well in those two weeks, I've moved and been on vacation in a location that has no electricity or running water. I DID have reception...but blogging on my phone is way less fun for YOU, my NUMEROUS readers, because I can't narrate by photo. So consider it your lucky day, because we're about to have some insane updates. You'll never know when they'll end. 
So here's my last weekend in milwaukee.
Saturday started with Brady Street Festival, but that post will come next...because it deserves it's own post. 
Then we had a cookout at THIRTY's house. Harry had some Chicago seasoning, and as he picked it up he squealed, "IT'S CHICAGO WITH A LITTLE BIT A WINDY CITY!!"  SO, I then forced him to pose with the seasoning. 

Oh hey...did you want to sit alone, then? Oh nevermind, you're sitting by the LAKE.

I'm not sure what he's doing...but it is OBVIOUSLY important. 

There was a LOT of corn husk creation happening. Which then, inevitably, led to the exposure of my childhood corn husk doll making. SOO, setty.bear created this rendition of a corn husk doll:
 Then this scraggle husk made its way around the group...

 Oh hey, setty.bear, is that your uni-curl?
 The.tamer created that sash for him, he wore it all night. Later there is more evidence.
 After the grilling and eating, we went inside for some more drinking...and some lap sitting...
 some faces...
 SPEAKING of faces...hey harry, did you have a problem or...?
 Oh...I forgot about that WINE BOTTLE dance you do so well.....
 Still wearing that sash...
 There's my sex pot. Lookin' SO FLY. (and sexy, just restating that fact)
 Circle of death...who's gonna do it?!?!?
 Oh yeah, let's do a push up competition! Our bodies are awesome! MORE PUSH UPS!!!
 Oh, what's that harry? You're busy doing your OWN THING while they do push ups?? okay....
 Oh...I see you're very busy over there, harry...
 SUNDAY! Brewers game! The.tamer and I hit the liquor store early. You know, to prepare for church...
On my way out to the car after replacing the cart, I looked outside and saw a Chumley look-a-like.  I almost yelled after him, but thought better of it.
There WAS a man on that roof, but d.gag couldn't get a picture for me. I can't be sure, but he might have been naked.
 Hey...is your hair stuck anywhere?
 Hello cheeto-esque deformed sun chip.
 She unloaded the beer purse upon arrival.
 Ah, let me just straddle this cooler to get a photo with you.
 Excuse me, sir? Can I take a photo of your hulk hand and beer hat? Thank you.
 Constant snagging of the purse on the table. NO ONE IS GETTING THAT BABY!
 The most DELECTABLE meal.
 Creepin' on the neighbors.
 Oh hey...saving some butter? Or did you get spit on?
 Juuuuust cleanin' my teeth with my paring knife.
 Who put their pubes in this butter!?!?!
 JACOB!?!?! Heeyyy Kristin Stewart, nice teeth...
 Bobble head day!
 I think this was a wiener race of some sort.
 Excuse me, sir, you say you love strippers? Do you also enjoy herpes? Just curious, no reason...
 This man kept dancing...
 And placing his bottom dollar on innocent passerby.
 Um...sir...what's going on? Squat walking?
 HEY! Who's drivin' that car?!

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