Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Let's have a poptart sandwich for dinner

A day of beach, food, bloodies, more food (nachos and quesadilla and the food within the bloody), and froyo. Because a good day just doesn't stop until you wake up the next morning wishing it was still yesterday.

Walkin' the tight rope! We literally stopped and stood on the sidewalk to watch him walk all the way across. As we were doing so some douche packer boys walked by while BOUNCING A BASKETBALL and one of them said, "Anyone can walk across it, it takes talent to do a backflip." I was about to yell that he should get up there but then I realized by the look of his athletic shorts that he was just too cool for me to make that statement.
A DELECTION of a meal if I do state so myself (see how I really made that phrase my own?). I had never had a bloody mary before but my sister, knowing me quite well, suggested we go to Wicked Hop for bloody mary's that are in fact filled with shit. So we did and of course I enjoyed the toppings as well as the beverage. However, due to a storm brewing in my stomach and intestines, aka the ole numero dos (if you protest to my suggestive sentence structure I'd like to ask you to leave), I could not finish it. It was either that or gorging myself on the buffalo chili nachos.

I promise there was actually froyo in there. However, if you knew me at all, you would know that the toppings are way more seductive than the actual item being topped. It was NY Cheesecake Froyo actually. Pretty delectable. I couldn't be lame and just get vanilla. Even though I kind of wanted to. Because of the topping bar.

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