Monday, May 14, 2012

Thank you for shopping at the gypsy vagabond sale!

I attempted to sell off all my worldly possessions last week. However, in order to sell your possessions,you need to have someone show up to purchase them. After experiencing a sale my sophomore year put on by seniors, and how well received that was, my friends and I assumed that we would have at least a decent number of people show up. We were sorely mistaken. Out of over 50 people who said they were coming on facebook, approximately 20 or less showed up. I am not going to complain too much, I made about $80. However, I sold my dress form, which was a big ticket item, so that accounts for about half of my earnings. After the sale I bagged up my remaining fabric and pranced over to trav.dav's home to drop it off. He got 6 bags of fabric for the price of one lovely box of wine, which I will report on later. It looks delectable. During the sale, I was sitting on a few blankets I had brought to spread out my wares. I was also wearing a very gypsy-esque dress. So I started calling myself the gypsy, and when people purchased things from me I would say, "Thank you for shopping with Vagabond Gypsy!" I really could spend my life traveling and selling all my crap, I enjoyed myself. I also had a large jug of orange juice that I was drinking. I felt a cough coming on and didn't want to get sick. No big deal, just about a quart of OJ. Here's a photo of my (well organized) wares.
The others were a little more organized...
After the sale I ventured home to *ahem* clean my apartment and make dinner for my wonderful models to thank them for all their hard work. I also gave them little presents which included the shoes they wore on the runway, the bras I purchased for them to wear for fittings, a 2012 senior studio class t-shirt, and a little framed photo of the collection (and themselves modeling, obviously). I spent way more time than necessary folding the t-shirts and framing the photos, then putting them all in the shoe box in a presentable fashion. However, I forgot to take a picture, because I'm a dumbass. After all the prepping and cleaning I made dinner
I was very excited because the sauce turned out correct. It was an onion cheese cream sauce over noodles and homemade turkey meatballs. I also served a lovely little salad. It was SO good.

1 comment:

  1. nice blog....appreciate the great information about sell my apartment
