Monday, May 14, 2012

I'm going to be wasted in about fifteen seconds

My family is awesome. Let me just say, you will probably be jealous after reading this post. However, mostly my readers consist of family, so they don't have to be jealous because they are a part of it. So ANYWHO, Friday was our family tailgate at the Brewers game. I had never been tailgating before, nor had I attended a Brewers game, so it was a fun time for me. First of all, my trip to get into the parking lot. D.gag and I met at Kelly's Bleachers, a bar near the stadium. We parked our cars and started walking. Upon reaching the parking check point at the first parking lot d.gag realized that he, in fact, had a parking pass (something I was also aware of, but thought he had already used). So we walked back (about 1/4 mile) to the car. We were laughing hysterically the whole way and the people we passed (twice) were probably like, "what the hell." So then we drive into the parking area, and as we say where we're headed, the man rips the ticket in half, then realizes he made a mistake and should have sent us another way, and then spends a full minute writing his full name on it, ok-ing the rippage of the ticket. Then he sends us down this "ROAD" towards our destination. Because apparently you must encounter a troll bridge in order to get to the correct parking lot.
Upon arrival to the parking lot we proceeded to walk the wrong way for about ten minutes until we finally found out where they were. Keep in mind we had actually parked about fifteen cars from where they were. ON TO THE FESTIVITIES! We have an excellent bag toss game that my dad made, it is way better than ones you buy at stores because it requires more skill. NOT JUST ANYONE CAN PLAY! So, of course, one must bring their guns to the game in order to win!
And now the game! I spent a large amount of time observing things around me, hence the extensive photos of pretty much nothing happening.
As we were entering the stadium we all chugged our beverages since you can't carry them in. Not that big of a deal, however, I had a margarita. Tequila is always a big one for Sarah. So needless to say, as we rode the escalator up, I leaned over the my cousin k.dawg and said, "I'm going to be wasted in about fifteen seconds." I was not wasted, but i was definitely QUITE drunk.
As you can see, the lovely lady pictured above had had a few too many beverages! She was actually a part of the party in front of us, and I requested her friends take a picture of her with my phone. This was followed by threats from her friends that if I put it on facebook they "WILL FIND ME". So I just put it on my blog, no big. Also, a member of that party made friends with my uncle and started calling him mr. clean.
There was plenty of entertainment beyond the game as well.
I also enjoyed how these two were sitting in similar fashions.

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